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Week 13 Assignment: HTML 2
Week 13 Assignment: HTML 2

Week 13 Assignment: HTML 2

Week 13 Assignment

For the most part, I spent a lot of time practicing on the HTML tutorial website and going over the exercises and was able to figure out how to do the proper coding to do the assignments correctly. It has been a good and fun yet challenging experience to deal with basic coding to create a web page. The only issue that I have encountered was for the week 13 assignment, I had a hard time figuring out how to properly insert an image at the top of my web page from my images saved on my computer. I believe I am having issues with how I saved it on my computer and I am not inputting the proper path finder information for the image to be found in the right place where it comes up on my web page. At this point, I was not able to figure it out. I will keep working on it to fix it.

UPDATE: With the help of Professor Li, I was able to upload the image onto the server in the same folder as the week 12 and week 13 assignments. Then I wrote for the source code “BigNightSky.jpg” with the alternate name being “Big Night Sky” and made sure that the week 13 assignment was properly uploaded on the server. I confirmed by copying and pasting the link in a separate tab to show that the image has been inserted.

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